
Caterpillar RC20, RC30 Rotary Cutters | Construction Equipment

Models RC20 and RC30 Caterpillar rotary cutters can be manually turned either 90 or 270 degrees for working in confined spaces. The excavator attachments can be used with pin-on, S-type, Cat pin grabber, or CW couplers.

The rotary cutter can be submerged in water without modifications to the tool. Excavator Bucket Lock Pin

Caterpillar RC20, RC30 Rotary Cutters | Construction Equipment

The direct drive motor offers high torque, and with less space between the drums, operators can build narrower trenches while also burning less fuel. Cutter picks are easily replaced and can be switched out quickly.

Caterpillar RC20, RC30 Rotary Cutters | Construction Equipment

Tractor Bucket Pins Maintenance panels offer quick and easy access. Mechanical seals help to lock in grease and keep dust out.